Jenkins Tutorial #7 – How to Parameterize Browser and URL in Jenkins

In this Jenkins tutorial, we will learn how to parameterize browser and url in Jenkins. Whenever we want to execute test automation scripts in different browser, we need to update the browser where we want to run the scripts. In Jenkins we can easily use parameters to choose browser and test url while executing our automation tests.

This tutorial is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Jenkins from very basic till advanced. I will start from Jenkins basics for absolute beginners and slowly move to advanced concepts so its easy for anyone to follow and learn Jenkins.

Jenkins Tutorial #6 – How to Run Automation Tests in Jenkins

In this Jenkins tutorial, we will learn how to run automation tests in Jenkins. We will configure Jenkins job to pick the automation tests we developed during the course and run those tests from local directory using Jenkins Job.

This tutorial is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Jenkins from very basic till advanced. I will start from Jenkins basics for absolute beginners and slowly move to advanced concepts so its easy for anyone to follow and learn Jenkins.

Jenkins Tutorial #4 – Create First Job in Jenkins | Freestyle Job

In this Jenkins tutorial, we will learn how to create first job in Jenkins. We will understand about Jobs in Jenkins from very basic and then create a freestyle job to perform some of the operations by using the configured Jenkins job.

This tutorial is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Jenkins from very basic till advanced. I will start from Jenkins basics for absolute beginners and slowly move to advanced concepts so its easy for anyone to follow and learn Jenkins.

Jenkins Tutorial #3 – Jenkins Dashboard Overview | Homepage Overview

In this Jenkins tutorial, we will learn about Jenkins Dashboard overview and understand some of the important sections and functionalities available on Jenkins homepage once you login to Jenkins for first time. This video is about basic homepage overview of Jenkins.

This tutorial is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Jenkins from very basic till advanced. I will start from Jenkins basics for absolute beginners and slowly move to advanced concepts so its easy for anyone to follow and learn Jenkins.

Jenkins Tutorial #2-Jenkins Installation and Setup | Configure Jenkins

In this Jenkins tutorial, we will learn about the Jenkins installation and setup. We will configure Jenkins using Jenkins.war file as the installation and configuration steps will be almost similar on different platforms using this approach.

This tutorial is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Jenkins from very basic till advanced. I will start from Jenkins basics for absolute beginners and slowly move to advanced concepts so its easy for anyone to follow and learn Jenkins.