Robot Framework Tutorial #37 – How to use Explicit Wait

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use explicit wait in robot framework.

We will understand in detail the following keywords for implementing explicit wait in robot framework automation.

* Wait Until Page Contains – Waits until text appears on the current page

* Wait Until Page Contains Element – Waits until the element locator appears on the current page

* Wait Until Page Does Not Contain – Waits until text disappears from the current page

* Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element – Waits until the element locator disappears from the current page

* Wait Until Location Is – Waits until the current URL is expected

* Wait Until Location Is Not – Waits until the current URL is not location

* Wait Until Location Contains – Waits until the current URL contains expected

* Wait Until Location Does Not Contain – Waits until the current URL does not contains location

* Wait Until Element Contains – Waits until the element locator contains text

* Wait Until Element Does Not Contain – Waits until the element locator does not contain text

* Wait Until Element Is Enabled – Waits until the element locator is enabled

* Wait Until Element Is Not Visible – Waits until the element locator is not visible

* Wait Until Element Is Visible – Waits until the element locator is visible

Robot Framework Tutorial #36 – How to use Implicit Wait

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use implicit wait in robot framework.

We will understand in detail the following keywords for implementing implicit wait in robot framework automation.

* Set Selenium Implicit Wait – Sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium

* Get Selenium Implicit Wait – Gets the implicit wait value used by Selenium

* Set Browser Implicit Wait – Same as Set Selenium Implicit Wait but only affects the current browser

Robot Framework Tutorial #35 – Implicit Wait vs Explicit Wait

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand the difference between Selenium Implicit wait and explicit wait.

We will also understand the advantages and disadvantages of using these waits in your Robot framework script.

Robot Framework Tutorial #34 – How to Set Selenium Timeout and Speed

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to set Selenium Timeout and Speed in Robot Framework. We will understand keywords available in Robot Selenium library to Selenium execution speed and timeouts.

Some of the keywords that I will explain in this tutorial are:

* Get Selenium Timeout – Gets the timeout that is used by various keywords

* Set Selenium Timeout – Sets the timeout that is used by various keywords

* Get Selenium Speed – Gets the delay that is waited after each Selenium command

* Set Selenium Speed – Sets the delay that is waited after each Selenium command

Robot Framework Tutorial #33 – How to handle Mouse Actions

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to handle mouse actions in Robot Framework and the keywords available in Robot Selenium library to handle mouse actions like, mouse hover, mouse out, Drag And Drop, Right click etc.

Some of the keywords that I will explain in this tutorial are:

* Mouse Down – Simulates pressing the left mouse button on the element locator

* Mouse Down On Image – Simulates a mouse down event on an image identified by locator

* Mouse Down On Link – Simulates a mouse down event on a link identified by locator

* Mouse Up – Simulates releasing the left mouse button on the element locator

* Mouse Over – Simulates hovering the mouse over the element locator

* Mouse Out – Simulates moving the mouse away from the element locator

* Open Context Menu – Right Click Operations – Opens the context menu on the element identified by locator

* Drag And Drop – Drags the element identified by locator into the target element

* Drag And Drop By Offset – Drags the element identified with locator by xoffset/yoffset.