Android BroadcastReceiver – Create | Register examples

An Android BroadcastReceiver is another component in Android process, along with activities, content provider, and Services.

It is a component that can respond to a broadcast message sent by a client.

The message itself is an Android broadcast intent. A broadcast intent (message) can invoke more than one receiver.

A component such as an activity or a service uses the sendBroadcast() method available on the Context class to send a broadcast event.

Receiving components of the broadcast intent will need to inherit from a receiver class.

These receiving components need to be registered in the manifest file through a receiver tag to indicate that the class is interested in responding to a certain type of broadcast intent.

Create Android BroadcastReceiver class

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver
  public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Register Android BroadcastReceiver

A receiver can be registered via the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Alternatively to this static registration, you can also register a receiver dynamically via the Context.registerReceiver() method.

The implementing class for a receiver extends the BroadcastReceiver class.

If the event for which the broadcast receiver has registered happens, the onReceive() method of the receiver is called by the Android system.

 <receiver android:name="MyReceiver">
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED">

Registering and Unregistering Android Broadcast Receiver in Code:

private IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(MyReceiver.ACTION);
private MyReceiver receiver = new MyReceiver();

public void onResume()

 //Register the broadcast receiver.
 registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

public void onPause()
 //Unregister the receiver

System generated Events

Some system generated events are as follows:


It describes Sticky broadcast containing the charging state, level, and other information about the battery.


It Indicates low battery condition on the device.


This is broadcast one time after the system has finished booting.


It performs a call to someone specified by the data.


It describes the device is reboot.