Katalon Studio API Testing #12 – Execution Profiles in Katalon Studio

In this Katalon Studio API testing tutorial we will learn about execution profiles in Katalon Studio. Katalon studio execution profiles are very useful features in order to handle test execution on different test environments. Watch full tutorial to understand how execution profiles are configured and used.

Katalon Studio API Testing #11 – Types of Variables | TestCase and Global Variables

In this Katalon studio API testing tutorial we will learn about types of variables in Katalon studio. You will understand about TestCase and Global variables in Katalon studio.

Katalon Studio API Testing #10 – How to Send DELETE Request

In this Katalon Studio API testing tutorial we will learn how to send delete request from Katalon Studio and perform delete operation in REST API.

Katalon Studio API Testing #9 – How to Send PUT Request

In this Katalon Studio API testing tutorial we will learn how to send PUT request for REST API using Katalon Studio. We will understand how to form the JSON body for PUT request and verify the response for PUT request using real time Asana API.

Katalon Studio API Testing #8 – Send POST Request for REST API

In this Katalon Studio API testing tutorial we will learn how to send the POST request using Katalon Studio.