Delegation Of Authority- Principles Of Delegation

In this tutorial, we will learn about delegation of authority means the process of getting work done by others by giving them responsibility. It entails the division of workload and sharing responsibility.

It means the division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate. It is entrusting someone else to do parts of your job—delegation of authority defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of skills to the assistants to achieve effective results.

It is the process of getting work done by others by giving them responsibility. It entails the division of workload and sharing responsibility. The degree of delegation depends upon the manager’s degree of management capabilities.


Clarity of delegation: 

Employees must give a distinct idea of a task assigned, the functions to perform, and perform the authority given task.

The principle of clarity delegation also implies defining in clear terms the horizontal and vertical relationships of the position of each subordinate to another place in the organization.

Responsibility cannot be delegate: 

When authority is delegated, obligations not passed down, the organization rather new responsibilities are creating at each level. According to the principle of absolute liability, the power delegated, but a manager cannot delegate responsibility and accountability.

It is responsible and accountable to his own superior for the task that he has assigned his subordinate and the act of his subordinates.

The polarity of authority and responsibility: 

Since both authority and accountability relate to the same task, it would be correct to say that they are coextensive.

Exception Principle: 

The exception being that when a junior is not able to make a decision, then he should refer them upwards for consideration by senior.

This method or plan of supervision (as of a business) under which only significant deviations from normally expected results or condition brought to the attention of a supervisor for consideration and decision

Principle of Functional definition:

All activities and tasks assigned to an individual must have a clear description of authority, duties, power, and responsibility.

Scalar Principle:

The scalar principle is a rule where an employee or subordinate reports to his or her immediate supervisor but no higher in the management chain—the line of authority from the top to the lower management level.

Principle of Unity of Command: 

Unity of command provides that an employee is responsible to only one supervisor, in turn, is accountable to only one supervisor, and so on up the organizational hierarchy.

That is true even if a group of people leads the top of the organization. Delegation can be effective only when a subordinate receives orders from one senior only.

  • Barriers to Delegation
  • Fear of loss of power
  • Certain personal attitudes
  • Lack of availability of direct.

Principle of Communication: 

An underestimated responsibility can be hazardous. A general authority can be easily misused. Accordingly, both the responsibility and power must be specified, and open communication must be continuously kept free for issuing directions and receiving feedback.

 Limits to Authority to be Well Defined: 

A manager cannot correctly delegate authority unless he fully knows what his power is. May avoid confusion in this respect; there should be written manuals and orders to indicate the limits of the body and area of operations of each manager.