Software Testing Tutorial #47 – What is Agile Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is agile testing. Agile testing is a software testing practice that follows agile software development principles and practices. It follows all the values and principles of agile software development and how we do the testing use those principles and practices while testing in Agile Software development approaches like SCRUM.

The traditional software development approach like waterfall, v-model had some drawbacks like phased approach, late feedback etc. Agile development approach came in picture to overcome those drawbacks. Along with Agile development we also need to embrace new ways of testing and that when Agile testing came in picture which embraces the values and principles of Agile.

Software Testing Tutorial #44 – Defect Life Cycle in Software Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about defect life cycle in software testing. Defect lifecycle is a process that a defect or bug will follow from its initiation or from the point where it is raised until it is closed into the project. This bug lifecycle has certain states and resolutions in it and whenever you raise any defect in software testing it will follow the predefined bug lifecycle.

Software Testing Tutorial #41 – What is Defect in Software Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about what is defect in software testing. Defects are also known as bugs and used interchangeably in any software development project. There is very minor difference between defect and bug which I will explain in further tutorials, however, in actual software testing projects you will find people using defects and bugs interchangeably and both refer to same thing.

Software Testing Tutorial #33 – Different Test Design Techniques

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about different test design techniques in software testing. Software testing can be categorized into static and dynamic testing. In static testing, we validate the software documents or code without executing the code whereas in dynamic testing we can execute the code and test the application.

There are many test design techniques for static and dynamic testing. Static test design techniques include reviews, walkthroughs, formal reviews etc. and dynamic test design techniques include equivalence partitioning (EP), boundary value analysis (BVA), decision table testing, state transition testing etc.

Software Testing Tutorial #18 – What is Black Box Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is black box testing with examples and how you can explain this question in any software testing interview. Black testing in software testing is a software testing method in which tester tests the software without much understanding or knowledge of internal design / architecture of software.