Software Testing Tutorial #42 – Defect Bug Error Failure in Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about difference between defect bug error failure in software testing. There is very minor difference between defects and bug but in the actual scenario we will use bug and defects interchangeably.

A deviation is categorized as bug only if the failure is because of the coding error but if it is related to requirements like missing requirements or misunderstood requirement and the actual outcome is not as per expectation because of the requirement issues then that is known as defect.

Software Testing Tutorial #28 – End to End Testing in Software Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about end to end testing in software testing. End to end testing is very important type of testing and exercises the end user scenarios for any software scenarios.

Understanding what is end to end testing is important for interview and for working as software tester because you would be required to analyze, write and execute end to end test cases in your project. In this tutorial we will learn all the details about end to end testing with examples.

Software Testing Tutorial #16 – Types of Software Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about the types of software testing. There are many types of testing and we will understand some of the key testing types in software testing, for example, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, regression testing, smoke testing, sanity testing and lot more.

Software Testing Types can be broadly categorized in two categories, functional testing and non functional testing.

Software Testing Tutorial #12 – What is Unit Testing/Component Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is unit testing or also known as component testing. Testing the smallest independent unit or component of software is known as Unit testing and mostly done by developers.

Once you integrate any of the components/units and test the combined part as one then that becomes component integration testing.

Software Testing Tutorial #5 – Seven Principles of Software Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn seven principles of software testing. Understanding these seven principles of software testing is very important in order to understand software testing.

In this testing tutorial I will try to explain these 7 testing principles with real testing scenarios so you can easily understand and explain them in software testing interviews.