Software Testing Tutorial #22 – Functional Testing vs Non Functional Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about the differences between functional testing vs non functional testing. Functional testing in software testing checks functionality or requirements whereas non-functional testing tests the performance of the software application.

Functional testing focuses on user requirements but non-functional testing focus on NFR or user expectation. Watch the complete tutorial to understand the differences between functional and non functional testing.

Software Testing Tutorial #19 – What is White Box Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is white box testing with examples. White box testing in software testing is a software testing method in which we test the internal structures or workings of an application.

Developer/Tester tests the software with a good understanding or knowledge of the internal design/architecture of the software. White box testing is also known as Glass box testing, Clear box testing, or Structural testing.

Software Testing Tutorial #17 – What is Functional Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is functional testing along with real example. We will understand how functional testing important in software testing and other details about functional testing.

Software Testing Tutorial #14 – What is System Testing

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn about what is system testing with examples. In the system testing phase fully integrated application is available for testing team to test. Testers test the complete system with system level test cases.

Software Testing Tutorial #9 – V Model in Software Engineering

In this Software Testing Tutorial, we will learn what is the V model is software engineering. V model is an improvement over the issues that we had in waterfall development approach.

In V Shaped model the testing team gets involved in every phase of software development lifecycle and addressed the major drawback of Waterfall model where testing phase was very late in software development life cycle.