Test Process In Context

In this tutorial, we will learn about the test process in context-driven software testing. It advocates testing based on the context of the project.

Instead of going by books methodology testing or some fixed notion of best practices. Seven Basic Principle of Context-driven measurement given as The value of any method depends on its context.

 What is context-driven testing?

The context-driven testing concept is used for debugging and developing the computer software in which the programs will be used or expected to be used in the real world.

 To perform this testing, the software developers must identify the considered market and evaluate the environments in which people are likely to employ it. The context-driven testing is done with other types of conceptual testing in agile software development.

 Context-driven testing is different from other kinds of software testing that are more technical. For example, black-box testing and white box testing are two software testing methodologies that are different in terms of whether developers are looking at the product’s internal design.

 The context-driven testing methodology is similar to the agile process implemented when the end users have different preferences and needs; for instance, notepad is a simple application to write a text.

 The context-driven testers choose their testing objectives, techniques, and deliverables by looking into the specific situation’s details. Context-driven testing is about doing the best we can with what we get rather than applying best practices.

 Why do we need context-driven testing?

 Sometimes, the programmers do not have a proper document that can explain exactly how to do the work, which they are supposed to do, and testers will not be provided with complete materials; in that case, they will not be able to know the total requirement.

They may have an essential document like BRD or some reference documents that tell them what they need to do, but they can find the best way to achieve the task.

Techniques used in Context-Driven Testing are

Grey box testing

 Grey box testing is a software testing technique that combines the Black Box Testing technique and the White Box Testing technique. In the Black Box Testing technique, the tester is unknown to the item tested’s internal structure, and in White Box Testing, the internal structure is known to the examiner.

 Exploratory testing

It is a type of software testing where Test cases are not created in advance, but testers check the system on the fly. It may note down ideas about what to test before test execution. The focus of exploratory testing is more on trial as a “thinking” activity.

 Seven Basic Principles of Context Driven Testing

  •  In context-driven testing, there are good practices, but there are no best practices.
  •  Proper software testing is a challenging process.
  •  In context-driven testing, some projects unfold over time in ways that are often not predictable.
  •  Only through understanding and proper skills are exercised collectively throughout the entire project, then we can do the right things at the correct times to effectively test our products.
  •  The product is like a solution; if the problem is not solved, then the product will not work.
  •  People who are working together are an essential section of any project’s context.
  •  The value of any practice relies on its context.

Some of the Illustrations of Principles are:

  •  It is done on behalf of stakeholders in the service of developing, qualifying, investigating, selling, or debugging product. Different testing strategies are there for various objectives.
  •  Context Driven Testing is entirely for different test groups to have multiple missions.
  • The first practice in the service of one task may be irrelevant or counterproductive in the service of another.
  •  Testing groups are to provide testing-related services. They do not run the development project; they perform or assist the project.
  •  Test artifacts are worth as they satisfy the stakeholder’s relevant requirements.
  •  Automated testing is not automatic manual testing.
  •  Different types of tests will reveal different kinds of defects. Analyses should focus on various risks as the program becomes more stable.
  •  The value of testing can be determined when it provides useful and timely information.
  • Tester tries to understand the customer position and make the best case when they feel it is not addressing.
  •  Testing information providing solutions, not a quality assurance function.