The Six Thinking Hats

In this tutorial, we will learn about the six thinking hats that can help you look at problems from different perspectives, but at a time, avoid confusion from too many angles, crowding your thinking.

The six Thinking Hats was created by “Edward de Bono,” and published in his 1985 book of the same name. In forces, you to move outside your habitual thinking style, and to look at things from several different perspectives.

Such a premise of the method is that the human brain thinks in several distinct ways that can be deliberately challenged and plan for use in a structured way, allowing one to develop tactics for thinking about particular issues. “De Bono,” identifies six distinct directions in which the brain can be a challenge.

In each of these directions, the mind will identify and bring into consciousness certain aspects of issues that are considered (e.g., gut instinct, pessimistic judgment, neutral facts). None of these directions is an entirely natural way of thinking, but rather how some of us already represent the results of our thinking.

A compelling presented is sensitivity to “mismatch” stimuli. That is given as a valuable survival instinct, because, in the natural world: the thing that is out of the ordinary may well be dangerous. 

The colored hats are used as metaphors for each direction. Switching to a path is symbolized by putting on a colored hat, either literally or metaphorically. This metaphor of using an imaginary hat or cap as a symbol for a different thinking direction was first mentioned by “De Bono,” as early as 1971 in his book “Lateral Thinking for Management” when describing a brainstorming framework.

These metaphors allow for more complete and elaborate segregation of the thinking directions. The six thinking hats indicate problems and solutions about an idea the thinker may come up with.

Plan choices can produce much discourse amid the assessment procedure. That should be controlled on the off chance that we are to make high utilization of our time. It is anything but difficult to favor one side, to shield our thoughts, and to assault what we may see as restricting beliefs, which may not be valuable.

That maintains a strategic distance from showdown and channels our essential investigation is the ‘Six Thinking Hats’ approach (Dr. Edward de Bono). A gathering can assess a thought and can contend both the advantages and disadvantages while staying as goal as would be prudent.

An executive ought to formally encourage the procedure. An individual may wear a cap to create a remark with no conceivable connected shame wearing the dark hat for a minute. I don’t believe that this will work—the continuously essential individual without being valuable needs to wind up distinctly helpful when asked by the seat. Now, let us wear a yellow cap and see what great things may come about because of this thought.

The hats


White hat 

  1. Impartial – (consider white paper)

Data – What do we know? What data do we need? What do we require?


Red hat 

  1. Fire, warmth sentiments, feeling, instinct, hunches.

 Black hat 

  1. Alert Legitimately, judgment, profound quality.

Yellow hat –

  1. Daylight positive, idealism, benefits.

Green hat –

  1. Development of new thoughts, new inclinations, choices openings.

Blue hat –

  1. Sky diagram, control of the procedure, motivation, next stride, activity arranges, conclusions.

Difference between Critical and Creative Thinking:

Critical Thinking Creative Thinking
Analytic Generative
Vertical Lateral
judgmentSuspended Judgment
Focused Diffused







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