Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #18 – How to Handle Dropdown in Selenium – Part 2

In this Selenium Webdriver Tutorial we will learn How to Handle Dropdown in Selenium WebDriver, I will walk through with examples for handling multi-select dropdowns. In this part-2 of handling dropdown tutorial we will learn about following methods in Select class of Selenium WebDriver.

✅ selectByIndex(int index) – Select the option at the given index.

✅ selectByValue(java.lang.String value) – Select all options that have a value matching the argument.

✅ selectByVisibleText(java.lang.String text) – Select all options that display text matching the argument.

✅ deselectAll() – Clear all selected entries.

✅ deselectByIndex(int index) – Deselect the option at the given index.

✅ deselectByValue(java.lang.String value) – Deselect all options that have a value matching the argument.

✅ deselectByVisibleText(java.lang.String text) – Deselect all options that display text matching the argument.

✅ getAllSelectedOptions()

Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #17 – How to Handle Dropdown in Selenium-Part 1

In this Selenium Webdriver Tutorial we will learn How to Handle Dropdown in Selenium WebDriver. In this part-1 of handling dropdown tutorial we will learn how to use following methods for selecting values in drop down. Selenium provides Select class which has these methods to work with single select dropdowns.

✅ selectByIndex(int index) – Select the option at the given index.

✅ selectByValue(java.lang.String value) – Select all options that have a value matching the argument.

✅ selectByVisibleText(java.lang.String text) – Select all options that display text matching the argument.