SoapUI Tutorial #25 – Transfer Property Value to JSON Body of REST API

In this SoapUI tutorial we will learn how to transfer or pass a property value to JSON body of next request in SoapUI property transfer.

You will learn how to setup property transfer to get the dynamic response from one REST API request and pass it to the JSON body of another REST request.

SoapUI Tutorial #24 – Property Transfer to JSON Body of POST Request

In this SoapUI Tutorial we will learn about SoapUI property transfer to JSON body. In many scenarios you will need to Property Transfer from a TestCase response to a request in different TestCase.

In this example we will cover step by step how to transfer the JSON values from GET Response to another POST Request in SoapUI.

SoapUI Tutorial #6 – SoapUI Property Transfer | End-to-End Testing

In this SoapUI tutorial we will learn how to use SoapUI property transfer and utilise property transfer concepts to design end-to-end testing test case in SoapUI.