Nature of Communication – Business Communication

In a broader sense communication is exchange of messages, ideas or information between two or more people through some medium in a manner that sender and receiver can understand the message.

Nature of Communication

In this tutorial let us understand nature of communication.

Communication is Pervasive function

Pervasive means the thing which is applied or used everywhere. Communication is essential in all organizations and at all levels of authority. It is all-pervading.

Communication flows everywhere

Communication flows in all the direction in every organization. It may flow horizontally between persons occupying similar grade in different departments.

It may flow up from the subordinates to a superior. Thus, communication flows in all directions in an organisation and it is multidimensional.

Involves two or more persons

Communication is a two-way process. It cannot be done single in any organization.

Communication requires at least two persons, a sender, and a recipient. It is an exchange of ideas, views information, information, etc. between two or more persons.

Mutual understanding

The basic aim of communication is to create mutual understanding. Managers communicate to influence human behaviour and to get the desired response from the workers, labourers, etc. communication is a means and not an end in itself.

Many channels

Communication in the organizations can be formal or informal. The formal communication may be vertical or horizontal where as vertical communication may flow downwards or upwards.

Communication is a two-way process

During communication, minimum two people are involved in the process. It involves both understanding and information.

Communication is complete only when the receiver has understood the message, and receiver’s reaction or response is known to the sender.

Influencing human behaviour

The primary purpose of communication is to influence human behaviour. It is a means of creating interpersonal relations.

A manager creates motivation and loyalty among his subordinates by sharing information, opinions, and feelings with them.