Robot Framework Tutorial #39 – How to use FOR Loop in Robot Framework

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use FOR Loop in robot framework.

Few key points to remember about FOR loop are:

* Loops allow us to iterate over a sequence

* You can use Loops to – Loop through a list of elements, Repeat a single keyword several times, Loop through range of numbers (1-10)

* Loops in Robot Framework begin with “FOR”

* Example:

FOR ${var} IN @{list}

Keyword ${var}


Robot Framework Tutorial #38 – How to use IF ELSE in Robot Framework

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use if else in robot framework.

* If/Else – Conditional statement which runs a different set of statements depending on whether an expression is true or false

* Robot Framework has builtin library for this functionality

* You can also use multiple “ELSE IF” clause

* It can also have “ELSE” clause

* Format for IF/ELSE is as follows:

Run Keyword If  ${condition} == “Some Data”  Keyword1

… ELSE IF  ${condition} == “Some Other Data”  Keyword2

… ELSE Keyword3

Robot Framework Tutorial #36 – How to use Implicit Wait

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to use implicit wait in robot framework.

We will understand in detail the following keywords for implementing implicit wait in robot framework automation.

* Set Selenium Implicit Wait – Sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium

* Get Selenium Implicit Wait – Gets the implicit wait value used by Selenium

* Set Browser Implicit Wait – Same as Set Selenium Implicit Wait but only affects the current browser

Robot Framework Tutorial #32 – How to handle Alerts in Robot Framework

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to handle Alerts in Robot Framework and the keywords available in Robot Selenium library to interact and work with JavaScript Alerts on any webpage.

Some of the keywords that I will explain in this tutorial are:

* Handle Alert – Handles the current alert and returns its message.

* Input Text Into Alert – Types the given text into an input field in an alert.

* Alert Should Be Present – Verifies that an alert is present and by default, accepts it

* Alert Should Not Be Present – Verifies that no alert is present.

Robot Framework Tutorial #26 – How to handle Tabbed Browser Windows

In this Robot Framework Tutorial we will understand how to handle tabbed browser windows and the keywords available in Robot Selenium library to interact and handle browser tab windows.

Some of the keywords that I will explain in this tutorial are:

Get Window Handles

Get Window Identifiers

Get Window Names

Get Window Titles

Set Window Position

Get Window Position

Set Window Size

Get Window Size

Switch Window

Close Window