Selenium XPath Tutorial #5 – XPath text() Method | Find element by Text

In this Selenium XPath tutorial we will learn about XPath text() method and how to utilize text() method to find any webelement by text.

Selenium XPath Tutorial #4 – XPath Contains Function with Examples

In this Selenium XPath tutorial we will learn about XPath “Contains” function with examples.

We will understand to identify dynamic webelements on any webpage in Selenium Automation using “contains” XPath function.

Selenium XPath Tutorial #1 -Introduction to XPath | Basic XPath Syntax

In this Selenium XPath tutorial we will cover introduction to XPath and how it is helpful in finding the desired elements from XML or documents having similar structure like XML.

We will also understand the basic XPath syntax and how to write your first selenium XPath to indentify the webelement on any webpage.