JIRA Administration Tutorial #32 – Issue Priority and Priority Scheme

In this JIRA administration tutorial we will learn about issue priority and priority scheme in JIRA. You can configure the custom issue priority in Jira and use priority scheme to associate it to any project in Jira.

Watch the full tutorial series to master jira administration activities for your project.

JIRA Administration Tutorial #27 -How to Create New Issue Type in JIRA

In this JIRA administration tutorial we will learn how to create new issue type in JIRA and then associate those issue types with project.

Jira provides the functionality to add custom issues types and use them in your projects, watch the full jira tutorial series to understand Jira administration concepts necessary for Scrum Master and Jira Project administrators.

JIRA Tutorial #35 – Find Completed Issues in JIRA Project

In this tutorial you will learn about how you can see what has been done in any JIRA project or what issue has been completed in any JIRA project.

There are multiple ways to see the done status. You will learn about different ways to look into the issue status in JIRA.

JIRA Tutorial #27 – Search Particular JIRA Issue Type Assigned to You

In this Jira tutorial we will learn how to search a particular JIRA issue type assigned to you. JIRA Basic Search allows you to easily search issues assigned to you using search filters.

JIRA Tutorial #4 – JIRA Issue Types | JIRA Standard Issue Types

JIRA tutorial # 4 – Learn about JIRA issue types in this tutorial, this Atlassian JIRA tutorial series covers all the aspect of JIRA tool for using it in the Agile development projects.