JIRA Tutorial #5 – What is a task in JIRA | Creating Tasks in JIRA

In this Jira tutorial, we will learn about what is a task in JIRA. A task is an issue type to track project activities that are not necessarily tied up to a story. A task can be something like “Investigate relevant tool for Automation”

JIRA Cloud Tutorial #13 – How to Add Subtasks In Jira

In this JIRA cloud tutorial, we will learn how to add subtasks in Jira. Subtask in Jira is an issue type that can be created either for the task or the story or bug to further break down the pieces of work into smaller manageable pieces of work.

JIRA Tutorial #39 – Create Subtask in JIRA for Story | JIRA Subtask Creation

In this tutorial we will learn about how to create subtask in JIRA for the story. JIRA subtask creation is very simple process and you will learn step by step to create the subtask in JIRA.

JIRA Tutorial #19 – JIRA Subtasks | How to create a Subtask in JIRA

In this tutorial you will learn about what are JIRA subtasks and how to create subtask in JIRA. In JIRA, subtasks are created under the primary issue types like tasks, stories and can be assigned and tracked individually.