JIRA Tutorial #16 – JIRA Workflow Introduction | What is JIRA Workflow

In this tutorial we will learn about JIRA workflow, we will have a brief JIRA workflow introduction and then learn how can you customize workflow as per the need in your project.

JIRA Tutorial #41 – JIRA Beginners Training Conclusion

This tutorial is the wrap-up for JIRA beginners training course, I have summarized the training by restarting the main points. Please subscribe to my channel as I will be posting new tutorials soon.

JIRA Tutorial #2 – What is JIRA

In this video I have answered the most widely asked question “What is JIRA”. Watch the JIRA tutorial series to learn JIRA from scratch.

JIRA Tutorial #1 – Atlassian JIRA Training Introduction

JIRA tutorial – Atlassian JIRA course introduction – Learn Atlassian JIRA from scratch with simple step-by-step tutorials.